10 Questions to Help Audit Your Social Media Strategy

The new year is around the corner!

It’s time to take a fresh look at your social media operations and optimize for the new year. A social media audit is part of any social media strategy, but to give you some simple advice as to what you should do to further improve your social media presence, ask yourself the following 10 questions: Read more ›

Posted in Social media

6 Twitter/X Contest Ideas Worth Exploring

A Twitter/X contest is a great way to increase engagement, increase followers as well as increase product awareness. How many times have you seen businesses organizing a “RT to win” or a “Follow to win” contest? Running a contest in Twitter can be really simple and clean and, without a doubt, Twitter is a great place for brands to organize contests as businesses could easily engage and chat with their followers.

However, before you start organizing any social media contest, be sure to read their rules and abide their rules to keep your account safe.

One way to differentiate yourself with your competitors is to organize a different type of contest. Your ‘RT to Win’ and ‘Follow to Win’ contests may lose its edge if your audience is seeing the same type of contests over and over again from different brands on their Twitter feed.

Below are examples of different contests ideas that could be worth trying out: Read more ›

Posted in About Twchat

Twitter/X Writing 101: RTs, Hashtags and More

Twitter/X has been called many things – from a waste of time to an online cocktail party. No matter your personal feelings about the platform, the fact remains that it’s an excellent way to target and connect with potential buyers.

Here are the Twitter/X (sorry it will remain “Twitter” for me for eternity) basics that you need to make the most of the platform – and avoid any snafus. Read more ›

Posted in About Twchat

How to Build Traffic from Twitter / X

Twitter/X is an awesome networking tool. I find it the easiest for follow-ups, quick touch-base messages, and relationship-building. But how easy is it to build traffic with Twitter?

It appears it’s not that easy! I don’t get too many clicks even on Tweets that got tons of engagement.

So how to build traffic from Twitter?  Read more ›

Posted in About Twchat

Hashtag Marketing 102: 16 Best Hashtag Marketing Tools


Hashtag marketing is a primary method of getting the word out and reaching new channels.

Events, Twitter profiles, trending topics, marketing campaigns, and more can be covered by a single hashtag, which can now be used on sites all across the web.

Twitter is one of the most efficient ways to market a hashtag.

But how do you do that?

All you really need is a good tool or several, that you can turn to. The good news is that there are a ton out there. Here are quite a few that are must-try hashtag marketing applications. Read more ›

Posted in About Twchat

How to Set Up Twitter Interview with Influencers (+Free Guidelines Template!)

Twitter InterviewA Twitter chat can have several forms. One of the easiest and most efficient ones is a Twitter interview:

  • A Twitter hashtag-driven interview develops your relations with the niche influencer(s) you invite as a featured guest
  • It puts your brand in the center of the conversation, thus establishing your voice and building the awareness
  • It increases your reach because the influencer(s) will be interacting with you and thus spread the message to their followers

How to Set up a Twitter Interview?

There may be different ways of approaching this. Here are some possible steps. Read more ›

Posted in About Twchat